Printer ink is relatively expensive than the printer itself. This is why you need to get each drop’s worth. If you are having problems with the ink cartridge, we are ready to help. We are going to share some amazing tricks that the experts suggest for toner cartridges at Toner City. By implementing these methods, you can save every last drop of ink.

  1. Check Your Printer Settings

The first thing you have to do is changing the printer’s default settings. If you have a Windows computer, you need to follow some steps:

Start > Printer > ‘Right Click’ > Preferences

Then, change the quality to ‘Draft’.

Click on ‘Document Options’, so you can print multiple pages

  1. Print What You Need

Do you want to print an article but there’re so many ads? Well, you can easily avoid printing these ads. When you are printing what you need, you can get more out of the ink cartridge. Find a website that deletes ads for printing and paste the URL here.

  1. Avoid Bolds and Large Fonts

Another common mistake many people make is using large fonts and bold words. You can see bold words require more ink. So, it would be better if you are avoiding that. Similarly, using large fonts is not a good idea.

  1. Saving Work Instead of Printing

Do you print every work-related thing? Well, if you are doing this, you can’t save enough from the ink cartridge. This is why saving your work is better than printing. Plus, you can keep it for a longer time when you are using a flash or hard drive.

  1. Print Preview

Everyone has this experience when they are printing a web page and later find out that it didn’t fit. It just wastes ink. To resolve this problem, you need to click ‘Print Preview’ each time before printing. You can easily correct if there’s an issue.

  1. Proofread

Another awesome trick you can implement to get more out of your ink cartridge is proofreading. It’s common to find mistakes in a document. Well, it can be a waste. To avoid this, you need to proofread your documents each time before printing.

  1. Cleaning Printhead

If you want to save each drop of ink, cleaning the printhead is very essential. The good thing is you can do it by yourself. You can implement some remedies including the paper towel method, hairdryer method, and cartridge Swap. You can easily get rid of dried ink by these methods.

  1. Print in Black and White

Another simple way to get more out of the ink cartridge is printing in black and white. You just need to change some settings:

Start > Printer > ‘Right Click’ > Preferences > Print in Grayscale

By changing this setting, you can prevent color printing.


As you can see, you can easily save every drop of ink from the cartridge. Although you need to implement all of these methods to get results. If you want to know more about cleaning your printer, make sure you are getting help from an expert.